Most families are concerned about how to pay for college. Ideally, you and your student already have talked about the cost of higher education. You may have shared your hopes and expectations as well as financial limitations. But even if you’ve avoided the subject until now, it's important to carefully consider how much you have available to spend on college and whether—and to what extent and under what circumstances—you might find a way to stretch the family budget and/or borrow the necessary funds to cover any gap that might occur between total college costs and actual aid received.
To that end, and prior to putting together a first-draft list of possible “best-fit” options for your student, Sandra Moore meets with clients to discuss confidentially how each’s individual family’s budget compares with what colleges will view as their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Doing so will help determine whether (and to what extent) to focus the college search on schools that are either generous with need-based aid, merit money or both.
View Sandra Moore’s article, “Debunking Need-based and Merit Aid Myths." Read more about affordability. See financial aid resources here.